Friday, December 3, 2010

srole: User [user] is in more than one role: on tty /dev/ttyp0 [firewall]:User{2}%

If you try to elevate priviledges using srole and get the following error on a Sidewinder firewall:

"srole: User thepip3r is in more than one role:  on tty /dev/ttyp0 firewall:User{2}%"

...then you have duplicate named local accounts with administrative priviledges.  The fix action is to vi into /etc/sidewinder/roles.conf and remove the duplicate entry.

Applies to:  Sidewinder G2

Friday, October 22, 2010

GPA Calculator (Javascript/HTA)

What does a GPA Calculator have to do with IT you might ask?  Nothing really...  However, as most IT folks know, education is almost a requirement for our field.  Whether you're a certification guy or a college guy or a mixture of both, you might find this handy.  Teachers and general students would find this handy as well.

I used it to answer a question of my own:  "Given my present GPA, how many classes resulting in A's must I take to get my GPA to X?"

This HTA is the result.

Get it here:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Random Local Administrator Password Changer

Title:  Random Local Administrator Password Changer
Author:  Cameron Wilson (thepip3r)
Last Updated:  10/20/10
Date Developed: 03/15/06
Generates random passwords of the max complexity and length using the Microsoft
specifications for an account password.

The purpose of this script is to randomize the local administrator account password.
This was developed to be used in an domain/enterprise environment where you either never
want end-users logging in with the local admin account and/or you want a high random
complexity set for the local admin account.  Active Directory does not give a way
to control this value so to ensure it's not used by people we don't want to use it,
we rely on our Domain/Enterprise/Delegated Admin accounts for access.

Q:  What if I need to know the local admin password?
A:  A person with the appropriate rights level can remotely change the value of the
local admin password and then log in where necessary.
Q:  What if the computer has lost connectivity/trust to the domain?
A:  Rely on password cracking utilities to reset the password.
(e.g. ERD Commander, Linux Crack Disk, etc.)

 - Windows 2000 or better
 - MUST be run as a startup script via Group Policy

The commented-out values in generatePassword() are for a possible upcoming feature I just haven't gotten around to yet where you'll be able to specify (via command-line args) what complexity level of a password to generate (e.g. alphas, alphas+nums, alphas+nums+specials, etc.).

Remember that this is written to randomly generate an UNKNOWN password to set as the local admin password in order to give a best attempt that it won't be cracked remotely/interactively. As everyone knows though, if you have local-physical access to the machine, anyone will be able to simply overwrite this value using a bootable password cracking utility.

Examples of generated passwords at max length with max complexity (forgive the formatting issues with the blog):













And here is the actual vbs:

' *************************************************************************
' Title:  Random Local Administrator Password Changer
' Author:  Cameron Wilson (thepip3r)
' Last Updated:  10/20/10
' Date Developed: 03/15/06
' Description:
'  Generates random passwords of the max complexity and length using the Microsoft
'  specifications for an account password.
'  The purpose of this script is to randomize the local administrator account password.
'  This was developed to be used in an domain/enterprise environment where you either never
'  want end-users logging in with the local admin account and/or you want a high random
'  complexity set for the local admin account.  Active Directory does not give a way
'  to control this value so to ensure it's not used by people we don't want to use it, 
'  we rely on our Domain/Enterprise/Delegated Admin accounts for access.
' FAQ:
'  Q:  What if I need to know the local admin password? 
'  A:  A person with the appropriate rights level can remotely change the value of the 
'   local admin password and then log in where necessary.
'  Q:  What if the computer has lost connectivity/trust to the domain?
'  A:  Rely on password cracking utilities to reset the password.
'   (e.g. ERD Commander, Linux Crack Disk, etc.)
' Requirements:
'  - Windows 2000 or better
'  - MUST be run as a startup script via Group Policy
' Link References:
' *************************************************************************

strPassword = generatePassword(127)
strAdminUser = getLocalAdminUser()
setAccountPassword ".", strAdminUser, strPassword

' *************************************************************************
' User Defined Functions
' *************************************************************************

Function generatePassword(iLength)

 If NOT IsNumeric(iLength) Then
  WScript.Echo "The value specified for the password generation must be a number."
 End If

 ' Microsoft specifies that a password can be anywhere between 0 and 127 characters
 If iLength < 0 OR iLength > 127 Then
  WScript.Echo "The number specified for the password generation must be between 0-127."
 End If

 'strSpecialCharacters = "33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,91,92,93,94,95,96,123,124,125,126"
 'strNumbers = "48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57"
 'strAlphaCap = "65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90"
 'strAlphaLower = "97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122"
 'arrSpecialCharacters = Split(strSpecialCharacters, ",")
 'arrNumbers = Split(strNumbers, ",")
 'arrAlphaCap = Split(strAlphaCap, ",")
 'arrAlphaLower = Split(strAlphaLower, ",")
 For i = 0 To iLength
  iRandomNumber = generateRandomInteger(33, 122)
  strTempPassword = strTempPassword & Chr(iRandomNumber)
 generatePassword = strTempPassword

End Function

' Generates a random integer between two given bounds
Function generateRandomInteger(iLower, iUpper)
 If Not IsNumeric(iLower) or Not IsNumeric(iUpper) Then
  WScript.Echo "The values passed to the random number generator function must be numbers."
 End If
 ' Seed Rnd with a random value(Randomize) and then calculate the random value using the given bounds
 generateRandomInteger = Int((iUpper - iLower + 1) * Rnd + iLower)
End Function

' Find the local admin password based off of the indentifying SID attributes
Function getLocalAdminUser()
 strComputer = "."

 Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
 Set colAccounts = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_UserAccount Where LocalAccount = TRUE")

 For Each objAccount in colAccounts
  If Left (objAccount.SID, 6) = "S-1-5-" and Right(objAccount.SID, 4) = "-500" Then
   strAdminAccountName = objAccount.Name
  End If
 getLocalAdminUser = strAdminAccountName
End Function

' Set the local admin account password based off of the random password generation params
Sub setAccountPassword(strDomain, strUser, strPassword)
 Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strUser)
 objUser.SetPassword strPassword
End Sub